Impacting Lives
MW’s aim is to ensure that every individual that we encounter will be physically, mentally, and emotionally stimulated with the aim of either improving or maintaining their overall quality of life, therefore leaving a monumental positive impact.
It is paramount that the children and young people of today are given support and direction in life. Our team have experienced how bad decisions in education can escalate you onto the wrong path.
At MW Impact, we fully believe that it’s never too late to change, you just need the power to believe in your potential. And that’s what we are here for, delivering proven effective mentoring workshops to unwrap children’s potential.

“Children with higher levels of emotional, behavioural, social and school well-being on average have higher levels of academic achievement and are more engaged in school both concurrently and in later years”.

Positivity is infectious! People with a more upbeat attitude towards life are healthier and more resilient. Additionally, positive thinking aids in enhancing sensations of happiness and general life satisfaction – something every person should feel!
The children and young people we work with have reported the following as a result of MW Impact:
- Reduction in disruptive classroom behaviours
- Increased school attendance
- Increased engagement in school life
- Increased effort with schoolwork
- Increased confidence
- Improved understanding of right and wrong
- Reduced social anxiety
- Improved communication skills
- Improved listening skills
- Improved emotional resilience; and
- Reduced destructive and negative behaviours.
Community Growth
To grow, we need to work together. Our MW Team are a support mechanism for your community.
Being a local company, we are connected to the emerging issues in youth culture in the West Midlands. This means we can build bespoke programmes of support to reflect the issues within each community.
We would love you to be part of our movement of change. Contact us and let us know ways we can IMPACT your community today...